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Business model canvas

Business Model Canvas Template

September 3, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Although  several ways exist to design a business model, this conception is tied to the term “Business Model Canvas.” which is undoubtedly the most common and well-known method in this field. Alexander Osterwalder proposed the business model canvas in his book Business Model Generation for the first time. This practical and straightforward tool quickly became […]

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Android Studio

Android Studio Tips, Installation and Tricks

Developing Android applications requires an environment for coding and executing commands. Android Studio is an IDE (integrated development environment) that allows Android developers to build their applications. Android Studio is one of the basic and most important IDEs that Android developers should learn. Since this environment is dedicated to Android programming and provides all the […]

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Business model canvas key resources

Business Model Canvas Key Resources

August 31, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Business Model Canvas Key Resources: In the article Business Model vs. Business Plan we introduced the business model and its three components: Value creation Proposing the value to the customer Converting this value into money However, in the Business Model Canvas designed by Alexander Osterwalder, these three sections are discussed in 9 parts. Learn more: […]

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Best python editor

What Is the Best Python Editor and Interpreter?

One of the important issues in programming is choosing a “Code Editor” or an “Integrated Development Environment | IDE.” Some people prefer to use the code editor, while others prefer integrated development environments. Here are the best IDEs and in some cases code editors for Python’s operating system. However, before discussing IDEs, we introduce the […]

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Empathy map

Empathy Map Canvas: A Guide to Understand the Customers

August 29, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Customer understanding is the cornerstone of marketing today. If you do not have the correct information about your customers, you can not develop a good sales strategy. Customer understanding is an important issue which most business founders undertake.Empathy Map Canvas is a tool that helps you understand your customers. Who is the Customer? Customer is […]


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PHP environment setup

PHP Environment Setup: Complete Tutorial

August 26, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:

Software Project Development

This educational article is going to introduce you to the world of PHP and help you meet its various features. If you are interested in programming and want to start this path with the server-side, SOJECT suggests you read this article to the very end. What Is PHP? PHP is one of the most popular […]

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Cost Structure

Cost Structure in the Startup Business Model

August 25, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Cost Structure is one of the key terms in designing and analyzing a startup business model. Of course, this term is older than entrepreneurship and business modelling concepts. Accounting and financial management professionals have always used it. However, because entrepreneurs may forget about this concept due to the excitement of turning their dreams into reality, […]

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business mistakes

12 Common Business Mistakes You Should Avoid

August 23, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Business development is a skill that can change your personal and professional life if it goes in the right direction. However, sometimes, due to a lack of experience and knowledge, business founders make mistakes that may delay the success for years. That’s why in this article, we have tried to address common business mistakes an […]

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PhpStorm Tutorial: Installation, Personalization, and Tricks

August 22, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


The PhpStorm is an integrated development environment (IDE) so rich in features that you need to be trained to learn all of them. Therefore, seeking for PhpStorm tutorials is one of the needs of novice and even experienced programmers. PhpStorm is a professional PHP code editor that makes programming enjoyable. It also speeds up the […]

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Value creation

Value Creation, the Modern Businesses Need

August 19, 2021 by Hamid Asiabari //Category:


Creating value in business can significantly benefit the customers along with making a financial profit for business owners. Value creation depends on many factors, each of which creates specific aspects of interest for the general and specific. This article discusses the concept, importance, and other aspects of value creation in the organization. So join us […]

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