It is unlikely to be active in the e-learning industry but has not heard about LMS. Just as WORD helps you write documents, and Gmail enables you to manage emails, LMS is a software program that helps you build, manage, and deliver training programs.
For more information about the LMS concept and features, join SOJECT in following article:
What is LMS?
After examining the current world’s status and necessities, activists of the world education industry tried to use new technologies, both in terms of hardware and software, to provide facilities that enable people to study in any place and any time. However, we can clearly see these developments have had a significant impact on the transfer of up-to-date and quality knowledge worldwide.
What was the solution?
Finally, with the help of information technology and programming, the software was born that could meet the e-learning needs broadly: the Learning Management System, or for short, LMS. This software is also known as VLE (Virtual Learning Environment). Although LMS and VLE have some differences, in general, their usage is the same, and people utilize both for mostly common purposes.
In addition to providing place for content production, LMS software allows you to organize, present and track content. After creating or uploading the required content, the instructor can save and present contents in the software’s intended parts to provide for target audiences.
Most interestingly, the instructor can use LMS to monitor the content usage process. In other words, he/she can keep up with the audience to watch how much of the content the learner has followed and how much is left.
Furthermore, the teacher can assign homework to students and receive the assignments in the same space.
Methods of Learning management systems
There are two methods for virtual training through LMS:
- Synchronous: In this method, the teacher and students interact with each other at the moment. This communication takes place either through forums or online learning platforms. The synchronous style requires the simultaneous presence of both parties in cyberspace.
- Asynchronous: In this method, the instructor uploads the desired content, and the students receive and use it whenever they could get present in cyberspace. In this method, there is no need for both parties to be present at the same time.
Academy officials can upload their educational departments’ content of various fields to the learning management system. By doing this, each department will have different content, teacher, and students. Also, they can upload financial flows, accounting, customer relations, after-sales service, etc. to the LMS
What are the technical specifications of LMS?
PHP, ASP.NET, and JAVA programming languages are usually used in writing LMS software. Installing LMS on a database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer allows us to enter, change, or call data.
An LMS looks like a regular website. Students, professors, or administrators enter the site using their user information and perform various operations. According to the multiple capabilities of the software, these operations include registration, unit selection, participation in online classes, viewing content, viewing scores, and so on.
LMS Vs. video conference
Regardless of the variety of tools and software used for a distance relationship platform, many people equate the LMS with things like webinars and web-based video conferencing software. However, each of these applications has its characteristics, which one should decide about choosing according to the costs, benefits, support, and the organization’s need.
Video conferencing audience requests are very different from those of e-learning software applicants; knowing them will affect the final choice to use each one.
Learn more: Video conferencing applications and usage
Different types of LMS
In general, LMSs are produced in two forms: Commercial and open-sourced:
- Commercial: In this method, the company or the manufacturer produces LMS software to sell it to training centers, institutions, and large organizations and provides them with unique after-sales service. The most famous examples of commercial LMS in the world are ObjectJ, BlackBoard, WebCT.
- Open-Source: In this method, everyone can access the software codes and install them on their systems as needed without having to pay. Although these applications are free, users will not benefit from any after-sales service. The most famous examples of open-source LMS in the world are ATutor, Sakai, Moodle.
SOJECT Company produces commercial LMS based on the client’s needs. Consulting, production, and after-sales service are part of SOJECT’s activities in this field. Contact us to order the LMS software you need.

What are the features of LMS?
- Creating a dedicated environment for each training course without limiting in numbers.
- Management of each training course by assigned course manager
- Different methods of holding training courses: daily, weekly, thematic, and project forms
- It performs different levels of access for managers, experts, learners, teachers, etc.
- LMS assists you in compiling an educational calendar to define events, to-do lists, etc.
- Accurate and organized user management
- A personal page for each user
- Performing different levels of restrictions for each person in the system
- Upload and share training course content according to various e-learning standards
- Different information systems
- Various statistics and reports, along with reporting all events and even clicks
- Holding a variety of electronic tests and online exams
- Communication between members with the messaging system, forums, and so on
- Record grades and create a grade book for learners
What is the usage of LMS for training centers?
training centers save money, human resources, and time by using LMS. At the same time, they can use more special facilities in their educational process to make online training courses more engaging, thus, attracting more audiences.
Here are some gains of using an LMS for training centers:
- Unlike traditional education, using LMS, you are not limited to your city and can accept students anywhere in the country (and even the world).
- Holding online classes twenty-four-hour-a-day.
- You can hold online classes at a lower cost, which means more revenue for you.
- Training thousands of people in LMS at the same time.
- You will not have to worry about canceling classes for various unforeseen reasons.
- You will need far less staffing to manage your online education system.
Nowadays, many organizations and large companies use LMS as a virtual training tool to train their staff and employees (so-called in-house training) instead of spending a lot of money to hold face-to-face courses.
SOJECT helps you to educate your audience in more comfortable conditions.
Plung dip into LMS benefits
LMS software is one of the ways to create an Internet connection between the teacher and the learner. Learning management systems (LMS), and web conferencing system are just some of the technologies used in this field.
One of the benefits of e-learning is saving time and money for training providers as well as learners.
Besides, the low cost of the LMS system and web conferencing software makes E-learning extremely affordable. One of the things that set the education industry apart from other sectors is that different businesses depend on it. Undoubtedly, human resources education is a prerequisite for entering any business. Consequently, all jobs are somehow tied to training.
Meanwhile, resource constraints in various organizations have changed the approach to human resource training. Although training human resources is a costly task, successful businesses know progressive training of human recourses ensures the organization’s agility in the face of change. As a result, organizations look for ways to train human resources and make their staff more efficient by considering time and cost.
In the meantime, the distance education approach can help human resource managers of different companies to cover this issue with various e-learning tools.
This also applies to schools and universities. An appropriate university LMS can help students attend the courses without considering the place and time dimension.

Cost and attractiveness
Managers of various educational institutions have to reduce their costs to increase their competitive education market income. They need to minimize the cost of renting a face-to-face training facility and shift to virtual training courses. Furthermore, holding virtual classes helps them quickly increase the number of enrollments from other parts of the country beyond their city students.
In public and private organizations, training employees through corporate LMS can significantly impact saving time and money. Furthermore, the electronic transfer of e-learning content will be much more cost-effective than paper-based text files.
Various authorized teaching techniques create remarkable attractiveness for learners, who have dramatically embraced e-learning technology. For example, audio and video files of online sessions, published textbooks, chat, and conference rooms, radio, and television training networks are some of the features that have made virtual training pleasant. On the other hand, using libraries, access to educational resources, and quick search while studying without the need to leave the class, has resulted in improving education quality.
A prelude to realizing human rights
Many difficulties of traditional education have been solved with e-learning. In fact, e-learning is a prelude to realizing one aspect of human rights: creating equal educational opportunities for all. Therefore, in addition to removing restrictions, virtual education can also eliminate deprivations. The motto of e-learning is “education anytime and anywhere.”
SOJECT helps you order your customized LMS
SOJECT is one of the successful companies in the field of software development. One of our areas of activity is the production of dedicated LMS for different users. Educational institutes, companies, etc., each need specific LMS based on their needs. We design and produce these LEDs based on user needs. In addition, we provide after-sales service.
Contact us for more information and advice through this site.