What are the Differences between UI and UX and CX?

In previous articles, we examined the concepts of “user interface,” “user experience,” and “customer experience.” In this article, we will compare these three and examine the Differences between UI and UX and CX, as well as their similarities.

”Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful.”

From Burqa quotes


Differences between UI and UX

UI and UX are very closely related and completely interdependent. The user experience without UI has nothing to display and offer to users, and the user interface can not be used without UX. We can examine the differences between UI and UX in various aspects:

The differences between UI and UX in research:

Both UI and UX need user research. After obtaining the necessary information about the customers, the programmers implement the primary design of the software. Before completing the UI, the research team tries to eliminate the shortcomings using practical test results.

You may be familiar with Marvel software. Using this software, you can implement a prototype for UX designs, make it available to different people, ask them to complete a process such as registration, and express their opinions about it. This step, called Usability Testing, significantly impacts design optimization and can speed up UI implementation.

The research phase in the UI section also includes a review of similar software. Applications produced in the same field are examined to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This is like technical advice in implementing UI design to prevents mistakes.


The differences between UI and UX in concept

UX determines how the user interacts with software. In comparison, the UI focuses on how this interaction, or the user interface, is displayed. UX designers specify which elements and buttons the page design includes, while the UI team works on the appearance and graphic quality of these elements.

UI is more closely related to graphics, but UX is more about technical analysis of the system.

As UI developers cannot design a product functionally without a clear policy, these two teams need constant interaction. On the other hand, UX should consider UI implementation considerations.

In the final implementation phase, user experience takes precedence over user interface design. That’s because after researching the market, fully understanding the company’s goals and the audience, and other related factors, the UX team have designed and implemented the initial design.

Once approved, the initial design is implemented in a very simple and experimental way (Sketch) to avoid possible future mistakes. After examining and making the final changes, the UI design process begins.

The differences between UI and UX in decision making

After thinking about the company’s goals and the audience’s needs, the UX team manages the process so that the two groups get what they want.

When deciding to implement a UI, one should not think about various and new designs. UX research shows that users can not interact with new styles and prefer old ones. Creativity and innovation without previous assay can lead to the failure of a project. Therefore, any change in users’ tastes must have a solid reason.


Differences between UX and CX

The differences between UX and CX can be summarized as follows:

  • One of the main differences is that the UX’s focus is on the end-user, who uses the product or service. In comparison, CX focuses on the customer. Most customers are end-users but also may buy products and services from someone else.
  • CX often focuses on increasing revenue through advertising, improving customer service, and building a stronger brand. UX, on the other hand, tends to be aware of these and only use them.
  • CX focuses on the whole experience, including all brand-related channels, while UX is dedicated to a specific application or website.
  • It is traditionally used in service-related industries such as hospitality and commerce, while UX refers to digital products.
  • CX surveys many people to determine their thoughts, feelings, and interests in the area related to the product, service, or software. UX, on the other hand, targets and attracts smaller groups of people.

Similarities between UI, UX, and CX

Although the UX and UI are a subset of the CX, all three concepts are equally important. If people do not understand the software, it is improbable that they will become customers. On the other hand, it is possible to publish a great application, but it had terrible customer service and quickly lost its loyal customers. A great and efficient customer experience can only happen if it succeeds in all three concepts.

We should also say that although there are differences between CX and UX, these two concepts are closely related and are getting closer to each other day by day; as technology is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives.

Experience flawless UI, UX, and CX with SOJECT

SOJECT is one of the independent companies in the field of software production. We design and implement various software and applications for different operating systems. Consulting, designing, implementing, developing, and maintaining software is all you can ask SOJECT. Our experts, each working across their specialized field, strive to make UI, UX, and CX software well-designed and flawless. SOJECT specializes in video conferencing software production, an area where the user interface plays one of its most vivid roles.

For information on prices and how to order your software projects, contact SOJECT through this site.

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Hamid Asiabari
Hamid Asiabari
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