Although it is not easy to set boundaries for video conferencing applications, here are some practical and excellent applications of these systems.
Video conferencing usage in the industry
Communication with raw material suppliers, customers, department managers, experts, as well as monitoring the production and distribution process, displaying primary products to experts and decision-makers, are the most demanding uses of video conferencing in industrial systems.
You may think almost all of these activities are possible without using video conference. If you think so, I should admit you are right! But it’s just like that before the invention of email! People used to transfer their messages through the post. Even before that, through lighting fire on the hills and sent by a carrier pigeon! Would you like to go back to that time? If not, then it may be better to think again about using video conferencing applications in your industry.
Raw materials:
When it comes to providing the basics, quality certainly comes first. I know to examine most of the product’s quality, you should touch it or test it with specific devices. However, seeing some raw materials in a short video conference can help you sift through what you want. You can only make time for items that are worth testing and watching closely.
Product introduction conferences, festivals, and virtual exhibitions to introduce outcomes are some of the industry’s uses of video conferencing. Indeed, holding these meetings in absentia will bring fewer problems and costs. More customers from different parts of the world can participate and get acquainted with your products or services. All this is possible thanks to video conferencing systems.
Virtual meeting:
This video conferencing application is common to almost all businesses. So, you can virtually meet with your employees, partners and other people involved in your business. Having virtual meetings saves you a lot of time and money. To know the benefits of virtual sessions, read the following article:
Read more: The Benefits of Video Conferencing
Displaying primary products to experts:
To make a great product, you have to test it over and over again at different stages. To evaluate the product quality, you must show it to the relevant specialists and experts. Of course, in the Agile model, monitoring the product and modifying it based on the customer’s opinion is important.
Read more: What is the Agile Software Development model?
However, one of the best ways to show and get product feedback is to use video conferencing. Perhaps just a few observation moments are better than saying thousands of words to describe a piece or product. In addition to the main video conferencing camera, most of these systems have ports for connecting the camera or other audio and video equipment. You can use them to display the part or product to the expert or decision-maker to speed up and make the production process accurate.
monitoring the production and distribution process:
You can easily see the production line and talk to the engineers at different production line stages. The same goes for product distribution.
If you need to order dedicated video conferencing software for your business, SOJECT is what you are looking for. We design and produce your software project with the best quality and according to your needs.
Business in today’s world has changed dramatically and is no longer limited to one neighborhood or city. With the development of technologies in various fields, the production and distribution of goods have become more massive and faster. Most products require the supply of raw materials from multiple sources. Marketing, and sales in the first steps and a vast range are other action you need. However, the increase in workload has not left room for face-to-face business negotiations. This is where video conferencing comes in handy.
By video calling application, business units can communicate with their regional offices on a permanent and low-cost basis. They can stay informed of activities and problems, and make immediate decisions if necessary.
Marketing to sell a product through video conferencing is very low cost and easy. One of the advantages of this type of marketing is that the customer can see the product in detail. In addition to simplifying the products’ description, this video calling usage will also increase the buyer’s confidence.
Easy customer access to top managers involved in the production or distribution of goods has a significant advantage in attracting buyers. Video conferencing allows close communication between remote customers and managers of production or commercial units.
Business partners can keep up to date with market changes and react quickly by setting up video conferencing several times a week.
Continuous visual communication with experts and managers in different departments of an organization is another video conferencing application. By observing the existing problems in the form of live video, managers can make timely and mature decisions.

Medical issues
Distance education, medical commission, and remote patient visits are among the applications of video conferencing in this profession. Observing or directing important surgeries, and using experienced physicians’ advice ore other usage of video calls.
remote patient visits
Skilled doctors are minimal compared to the number of patients who need their specialization. Most of these specialists have resided in top-rated universities or hospitals around the world. But the patients who need their expertise may be anywhere in the world, and most of the time, it is not possible to transfer them to the specialist’s spot. On the other hand, these specialists’ presence at the bedside of these patients is impossible. Thus one of the essential applications of video conferencing in recent years is remote therapy. In his office, the doctor uses video conferencing to guide doctors to the patient’s bedside or, for example, to conduct a sensitive and vital surgery.
In addition to physical examinations, which specialized medical devices can perform a considerable part of it, medical observations play an important role in diagnosing diseases. Observing the physical complication, facial color, as well as talking to the patient are among the things that are very important in diagnosing the condition.
For this reason, video calls have found a special place in patients’ visits in recent years. With this method, the patient gets present virtually without spending time and money in the doctor’s office. He/She can present the tests, radiology reports, and other medical documents through virtual communication.
Although this usage of video calling software is emerging in medical science, it seems to play an important role in the profession’s future. The prevalence of Covid 19 has significantly increased the virtual medical visits in the recent year.
Medical commission
Medical commissioning is one of the daily activities of physicians that wastes a lot of their time. Sometimes it is very difficult or impossible to arrange a medical commission meeting in which several specialists are present simultaneously. If using a video conferencing network, professionals can attend commissions without leaving their workplace, which is a very simple task.
At present, special medical video conferencing systems have been developed that, in addition to the possibility of voice and video calls, provide peripherals that display information such as ECG or monitor image of a medical device with high quality.
Video conferencing software suitable for medical purposes has unique features that need to be designed based on the hospital’s or medical center’s needs. At SOJECT, we produce customized video conferencing applications for every business, including medical uses.
Using academics’ outstanding teachers in various fields in different parts of the world, organizing training classes without allocating space, and attending courses without leaving your work office are some of the video conferencing applications in education.
It has always been challenging to hold classes in remote, deprived, or inaccessible geographical areas. That’s why many pure talents living in deprived neighborhoods have been dispossessed of their right to education. This deprivation is even more pronounced in specialized disciplines – which their resources and professors are limited or concentrated in a specific part of the country.
Using video conferencing, authorities can establish appropriate training in these regions. By building a classroom or college equipped with the necessary technology – which, of course, does not have to be very advanced – students can gather and participate in classes virtually using video conferencing.
Experienced professors can hold classes at their residence in which hundreds of students can be trained and graduate without the need for physical space and additional costs.
The training system performance will soon change with the development of video conferencing technology. Most classes and courses will probably be held virtually in the not-too-distant future. Of course, with the coronavirus crisis in the past year, the world seems to be leaping to this future.
Video conferencing saves on large budgets for the construction of educational spaces and additional costs. Adaptation and equity in education is another benefit of using video conferencing in education.
In recent years, some organizations and businesses have to send their employees to other countries to train them, which impose a high cost on the organization. Videoconferencing can be used to hold on-site training classes and avoid wasting money.
Video conference usage in Army
The high security of videoconferencing software, designed and built specifically for military applications, has made this technology proper for military applications.
Leading forces and commanding military services are compassionate. Orders must be based on the latest information and correct news. On the other hand, the exchange of this information must occur in a secure and impenetrable environment.
In terms of receiving the right information, perhaps nothing like objective and live observation of the scene can express the existing facts, which is only possible using video conferencing. The commander can better understand the situation and issue the best orders by observing the scene’s scatter, arrangement, and conditions.
The AES security protocol used in advanced video conferencing systems guarantees high security of communication. Calculations show that intelligent software installed on the fastest computer available takes as long as earth’s longevity to unlock the AES security code. As a good approximation, this means impossible. The 128-bit AES code is generated randomly at the beginning of the connection and destroys at the end of the contact. To make sure, it is enough for the two parties to check this code together before starting the conversation to make sure that it is the same.
Interrogation, surveillance, visits, and counseling are all available via video conference.
Using video conferencing, the interrogator can question the accused without the need to transfer them, which may be associated with some difficulties. With this approach, the case will be processed faster.
If the judges need to consult an expert or case officer, they can do so immediately without the need for correspondence that wastes time.
By eliminating the legal vacuum, the issuance of votes or all official announcements and inquiries due to the ability to record meetings by most video conferencing systems become possible and valid.
On the other hand, using video conferencing, lawyers’ communication with plaintiffs and defendants will be as simple as a phone call.
Prisoners are sometimes held in a city other than where they or their families live. It is challenging for their family to travel to meet them. Through video conferencing, prisoners’ families can communicate with them from the city where they live.
Video conference usage in crisis
Authorities make decisions without being present at the scene, based on complete information and observation of the crisis view. That is why the use of videoconferencing in crisis management headquarters is essential.
In the event of a crisis such as floods, earthquakes, wars, etc., urban and interurban roads may be severely damaged, limiting access to crisis areas. On the other hand, in these circumstances, immediate and accurate decisions are vital. Crisis managers and relief teams can make more accurate decisions if they have enough information and a correct view of the crisis. If a suitable video conferencing system is selected for communication between the centers involved in crisis control, it can provide a complete and adequate service in this regard.
For this purpose, the authorities usually build safe buildings in areas where there is a high probability of crisis and deploy relief teams. The next step is to create a reliable communication platform, such as an urban wireless network (WiMAX) or satellite – which operates independently of ground accidents – to connect these units or with the central crisis control unit. At the time of the natural disasters, units located in local centers can contact the crisis headquarters to submit reports and receive orders.
SOJECT makes video conferencing software
What we do at SOJECT is producing various applications for our clients. One of our specialties is the production of personalized video conferencing applications. Video conferencing software in different professions requires unique features. We identify these features and tailor them to your needs to produce your modified software.
Get in touch with us through this site.