Best Recruitment Strategies for Your Startups

Hiring is hard work. However, hiring for startups is much more complicated. In young startups with limited turnover, hiring the wrong people may lead to business failure. That is why you should be sensitive in this field and try to attract talents by applying recruitment strategies.

If the hiring process is not managed correctly, it can lead to many prominent and hidden costs, including:

  • Waste of time, energy, and financial resources
  • Changing the mindset of the organization towards new forces
  • Endangering the strategic policies of the organization

The closer you get to the ideal recruitment, the more you will reduce these costs.

How to hire? What questions should we ask in the interview? How to reduce the error rate of our selection? 

Although the answers to the above questions are important, do not expect yourself to hire the best possible workforce in the labour market. You just have to try to identify the person closest to what you need.

Identifying Needs

In the beginning, the startup team only consists of the founders. The core of the team must decide what role each member will play. Who is the technology manager, and who is in charge of the market?

After determining the co-founders positions, it becomes clear what roles are vacant.

Based on this, the founders decide to hire new staff.

Write a Job Description Before Starting the Hiring Process

The first step in hiring the best employees is job analysis. Job analysis allows you to know the job description, the necessary skills, the expected results and the tools needed for that job position.

Information obtained from job position analysis is critical to writing a job description which helps you plan your strategy for hiring talents.

What Exactly Do You Expect From New Staff?

Ask yourself  the following questions:

  • 1.What do you expect from your new workforces?
  • 2.What Hard skills should they have?
  • 3.What soft skills should they have?

Hiring or Outsourcing?

Hiring requires costs such as insurance, welfare costs and the like. Most of the initially founded startups don’t need to hire full-time or part-time staff. They can meet their needs through outsourcing. On the other hand, many companies provide freelancers in the field of accounting, marketing, etc., to meet startup needs at the lowest cost. Outsourcing is also practised in other specialties, and all you have to do is decide whether to hire or outsource the duties.

Learn more: IT Outsourcing Advantages and Disadvantages

SOJECT is a programming company that provides developers to meet your startup needs. You can outsource your programming jobs to our freelancers to avoid extra costs. We can even assemble a complete team and provide it to you. You no longer have to spend your valuable time building a team or pay the painful costs of hiring. We provide everything you need at the lowest price and best quality.

Hiring vs. outsourcing

Full-Time or Part-Time?

Managing a startup involves running a business regarding the budget. If you decide to hire,note that a startup may not need full-time staff initially. The founders and core of the startup must decide to employ full-time or part-time staff according to the startup’s needs.

learn more: Pros and Cons of Telecommuting, Why Coronavirus Related Lockdown Is not the Sole Reason for Working Remotely?

Patience When Hiring, but Not When Firing

Hiring people in a startup team is highly sensitive. Thus, you should spend a lot of time searching and interviewing the candidates. Gathering adequate information and careful consideration in choosing a new staff is vital in developing startup teams. But when it comes to dismissal, it’s different.

One of the competitive advantages of startups is their agility. Startups, despite old businesses, do not have significant financial capital, and the failure of one part of the team can destroy the entire company in a short time. Thus, it is recommended not to hesitate when deciding to fire someone from the team.

Use Psychological Tools

Hiring people in different positions requires sufficient knowledge of their personality to determine the right job for their character. Forbes research has shown that 80 of the world’s top 100 companies use personality tests when hiring.

MBTI, Big Five and DISC tests are among the most popular personality tests used in organizations. These tests are available for free in cyberspace. Their results can provide an initial assessment of the person who intends to join the startup team.

You can click here to take the MBTI test.

Define Your Company Vision

In the early years, you do not have many financial resources to pay high salaries. To persuade talented people to join your company, you need to equip the company with a great mission and vision. As a company founder, you need to share your long-term vision with your potential employees and present your company in the best possible way.

Rely on Your Existing Talents

Talented people like to work with other gifted people. They want to be constantly evolving, and being around skilled people inspires and motivates them. When you have strong talents, it is easier for you to attract pure talents.

Provide Challenging Projects

Talented people have no interest in wasting time on tedious projects. They like to be challenged. So try to give them big, motivating and ambitious projects. Rest assured that they will be able to do this and will be grateful to you.

Learn more: Efficient Tools in Managing a Remote Programming Team

Build a Brand From Day One

One of the reasons that encouraged people to work for a particular company is the brand’s reputation. Everyone is interested in growing in his career, and working for new brands is one one of these growing ways. You must constantly market your startup on social media, blogs, etc. and show people how precious it is to work for you.

New Employees Are Not Necessarily Good Friends

Instinctively, startup founders try to hire people with whom they have more in common. However, having different opinions, personalities and various risk-taking levels are essential for a newly founded business. Still, the new staff should be compatible with the startup culture and team values.

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Hamid Asiabari
Hamid Asiabari
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