Social skills and workplace etiquette are essential factors for being successful in any job, including programming and related fields.
Today, high intelligence alone is not the key to business progress; Employers are looking for people who can help increase the company’s efficiency and product quality by attracting more customers. If you are looking for a suitable job, or want to maintain or improve the current one, stay tuned for this article’s rest.

How to look more professional in the workplace?
There are many ways to show professionalism. There is no excuse for not being a professional, even if you have no previous experience in your job! Behaviors that reflect your professionalism create a positive feeling in your employer that guarantees your job. Some of the actions that make you a professional include:
Respectful behavior
Try to have short and effective conversations and avoid talkativeness. Speak in a calm and neutral tone and do not talk about your life’s issues and that of your colleagues in any way. Also, use a formal tone when speaking or sending a message to the boss and avoid slang.
Do not discriminate between male and female colleagues, but be more cautious in dealing with co-workers of the opposite sex.
Avoid racist talk and speech that may offend others. Respect all people, regardless of gender, creed, or race.
Be punctual and keep your promises; this behavior increases the credibility of your statements and conduct.

Self Confidence
Be honest to show you confidence.
Try to speak in meetings and share your professional opinions with others. Refusing to talk can make you look unprofessional. Successful employers always welcome the feedback and ideas of their employees.
Try to cite credible sources in your speeches so that the accuracy of your knowledge is not questioned.
If you do something incorrectly, take responsibility, and do not worry about it because it shows your confidence.
High-quality work
Accuracy in detail and high-quality work is one of the most important principles of professional behavior. To increase accuracy at work, you need to get rid of annoying thoughts, plan your tasks, and keep order. Sometimes small details make a big difference and can lead to disaster if left unchecked. High accuracy increases creativity and discovering new things. This approach attracts your boss’s attention and ensures that he/she has chosen the right person to perform the responsibilities.

Improving emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a combination of acquired skills that help you better understand others, take control of your emotions, and build constructive and successful relationships with your boss and other co-workers. You can begin the process of improving your emotional intelligence by recognizing your moral qualities and shortcomings and then trying and practicing to improve them. This will help you make the best decision in difficult situations and motivate you to engage in creative activities such as programming.
Time Management
Do not be late for work. Instead, arrive at the company a few minutes earlier in the morning and greet your co-workers. Do not leave your work under the pretext of rest and lunch. Review your daily schedule every day to find out what to do at what hours or places.
Design a schedule for projects which have different stages, are long-term, or require other colleagues’ participation. This schedule helps you divide your time and do the planned amount of work every day. Place the timeline somewhere in front of your eyes or attach it to the wall. If other partners are involved in the project, share the schedule with them and talk to them openly but politely about scheduling.
Protecting secrets means respecting laws that do not allow you to disclose certain information. Information may be shared with you at work out of trust; It is important not to abuse this trust.
Confidentialityshows your professionalism and has a positive effect on your performance in the company.

Sometimes several programmers work on a project and, in some cases, even work with colleagues in other departments such as design, marketing, and sales teams. Therefore, programming can not be a one-person job, and to succeed in it, you must have the ability and spirit to work in a group.
If you want to be a professional, you have to be able to interact well with the team and, at the same time, keep the boundaries.

Avoid verbal arguments
Do not quarrel with your colleagues. According to the principles of professional conduct, there is always a way to negotiate and resolve disputes. For constructive interaction, look for logical and correct solutions and always keep calm; This technique is one of the essential principles of professionalism.

And most importantly, be yourself. Try to know your real personality and show it in the best way. Masking your face does not make you a professional.