Get Acquainted with the Eight Prevalent Leadership Styles.

Leadership approaches are always changing. The more extended leadership in the organization, the more likely it is that the policies change. For this reason, we can say everyone has their own leadership style. But we need to know what our leadership type is and if we need to change it. In the following, we will examine the most common types of leadership styles in today’s world.

Common types of leadership styles:

  • Democratic leadership
  • Authoritarian leadership
  • Non-intervention leadership
  • Strategic leadership
  • Transformational leadership
  • Participatory leadership
  • Coach style leadership
  • Bureaucratic leadership

Democratic leadership style

Usually efficient and effective

In democratic leadership, the leader makes decisions concerning all team members’ viewpoints. In this type of leadership style, although the leader takes the final decision, all employees have an equal role in determining the project’s direction.

This method is efficient. Because it trains low-level employees to learn how to think and make decisions as a manager, the opportunities gradually prepare them to take on greater responsibilities.

This management method is similar to decision making in company board meetings.


Authoritarian leadership

Rarely effective and efficient

This type is the opposite of democratic leadership. The manager makes decisions regardless of the employees’ opinions and only communication the conclusions. What the leader expects the employees is to obey the decision based on the time he has set.

When a manager changes the working hours of a number of employees without their knowledge, he/she has followed an authoritarian leadership style. This style of leadership is wholly abhorrent and rarely effective and efficient. Most organizations today do not tolerate such a culture, and the main result of this style will be the loss of employees.

Non-interventionist leadership style

Sometimes effective

The French equivalent of the non-interventionist leadership style is the term “laissez-faire leadership.” If you know French, you will find that this term is the most neutral form of leadership in which management has no intervention. The French name’s literal meaning is “let them do their job,” and the leaders who follow this leadership style leave almost all their authority to their employees.

Leaders who follow this approach focus on the company’s overall work and trust the employees in everything else.

Although this approach helps empower employees, it may still hinder the company’s growth opportunities. That is why this method is only sometimes useful.

Strategic leadership

Usually efficient and effective

Strategic leaders are the common denominator between a company’s core operations and its growth opportunities. They accept the CEOs’ interests while ensuring that the current working conditions remain the same for everyone.

This approach is prevalent in many companies, as strategic thinking can simultaneously cover many employees. However, given the large number of people covered, this approach can pose risks to the company’s orientation.

Transformational Leadership

Sometimes effective

This type of leadership is constantly changing and improving depending on the conditions of the company. Although employees know their monthly or weekly duties, the accompanying manager emphasizes that they can leave their safe area.

Leaders who follow the transformational leadership approach provide employees with goals and ask them to achieve them. These goals may seem simple, but as more employees move toward them, the leaders change them to more difficult and challenging ones.

Grow-seeking companies use this model the most to increase the motivation of their employees, as well as their growth.


Participatory leadership

Sometimes efficient

This management style has become very popular in recent years. In this way, more efforts of employees are rewarded. Of course, this reward is only when your work has a great result.

Collaborative leadership determines the roles and responsibilities of each employee. This leadership style uses motivational and incentive programs to motivate employees, but the plans must be in line with the company’s goals. In this way, employees are thanked without prior planning.

Coach style leadership

Usually effective and efficient

In this way, the manager acts as a coach. He identifies and supports the strengths of the employees. He also tries to boost team spirit. Although this approach has similarities to strategic and democratic leadership, here, individual growth is more important than team growth.

Instead of forcing employees to focus on one goal at a time, the manager allows them to pursue different goals and skills. Of course, this approach’s long-term purpose is to emphasize creating strong teams that communicate well together.

Bureaucratic leadership

Rarely effective and efficient

Bureaucratic leaders follow the law. Unlike the authoritarian type, this style of leadership listens to the team individuals, but if the employees’ opinion differs from the company’s policy or past practices, the leader opposes it.

This type of leadership style is more common in extensive and more traditional companies. If employees have an opinion that has been tested before and has not been successful, senior managers will not accept it. They believe that the current method has been successful so far, and there is no need to change it.

To Learn more about this topic read: Leadership Skills for Project Managers

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Hamid Asiabari
Hamid Asiabari
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