Hamid Asiabari

Hamid Asiabari

Android Snackbar Tutorials

Android Snackbar

In the past, It was common among developers to use Toast to display an app notification to the user. With the introduction of the Material Design library, a new tool called Snackbar was introduced. The Snackbar is very convenient to…

Strategic Marketing Planning and How to Formulate It

Strategic marketing

This article will introduce strategic marketing management and strategic marketing planning. A basic concept in business that gives long-term insight to the business marketing to establish their competitive advantage in the market. Strategic marketing management and planning is a powerful…

Business Model Canvas Template

Business model canvas

Although  several ways exist to design a business model, this conception is tied to the term “Business Model Canvas.” which is undoubtedly the most common and well-known method in this field. Alexander Osterwalder proposed the business model canvas in his…

Business Model Canvas Key Resources

Business model canvas key resources

Business Model Canvas Key Resources: In the article Business Model vs. Business Plan we introduced the business model and its three components: Value creation Proposing the value to the customer Converting this value into money However, in the Business Model…